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Cultural Association of Onga

The Cultural Association of Onga was officially established 25 February in I999.Establishing the association the basic aims were the following: to colour the local cultural life, to protect the cultural inheritance, talent scouting, keeping traditions establishing brochures about the past, archiving local events, to help and inform the public. The Cultural Association of Onga has become a well-known non-profit organization not only in Onga, but also in this region as well. It has published its local paper called Onga Kékdaru every month since its establishment, which can be read on the net for years as well.www.okeonga.hu. The Association operating the village homepage and we made the self- government's first homepage as well. These homepages were renewed in content and outside several times. It has started to create a village museum in the Dózsa road since 2007, which is supported by the self- government. Its opening ceremony will be in May 2010. The CA of Onga stood up the monument of the Onga people for Onga. It had the memorial of jewish victims of the WWII made. The Artúr Görgey relief was inaugurated the primary school by its starting and supporting. The CA of Onga is continuously collecting the old objects, memorials, writings, sources and photos of the settlement.

The important books been established by the Association are: a literatural anthology titled Bársonyosan, a photo album introducing the history of Onga in the twentieth century, the local course book of Onga, the collection of selected sources of Onga, additives to the history of education of Onga - school historical monography , The history of the reformed church monography. More of our books have reached its second edition in 2008. Several local and county multimedial publications are connected to the Association. The most important is the dvd of Onga.

Books and publications about Onga, each pages of the Kékdaru were sent to important institutions, to the self- government and to the neighbouring settlements. The CA of Onga has taken part in the forming of public life, making it more colourful, regularly had exhibitions and invited famous actors to the Onga Cultural Evenings. Our guests were beside the local performers the following: Nagy Feró, Schuster Lóránt, Waszlavik Gazember László, Eperjes Károly, Takaró Mihály, dr. Csorba Csaba, dr. Kerényi Ferenc, Kerényi Imre, Szentmihályi Szabó Péter, dr. Horváth Zita, dr. Nagy Balázs, Erős Zsolt és Hobo.

Theatre goings, performances in Onga concerts, club concerts, civil forums, local quiz shows, historical commemorations thematical summer camps, computer courses (4) and different trainings have been organized by this Association. It has taken part in organizations of the village and the region, organizing performances, cultural days. It has taken part in voluntary work of making the settlement nicer gardening, planting trees many times a year in the centre of the settlement, near the Bársonyos stream and beside the lakes.

The Ca of Onga has been a part of an international programme called Trívium, it has very important civil relations not only in Hungary but also in Upper Hungary and Sub - Carpathia with Hungarian organizations. We spent many days in Sub - Carpathia, Upper Hungary, in Nógrád - county, in Taksony in Pest - county and in Transylvania as well on different trainings and study trips.

This association made a media studio in the local primary school. Video films and photos about local and regional events are made here, CA of Onga is keeping its photos and videos here, where we have more than 500 different forms of video cassettes and more than 25000 photos.

We have given help to the education of media in the primary school where we have technical equipments worth more than 10 million forints. So far we handed in 141 applications from which 92 were won. Altogether almost 20 million forints and three computers were won by the association. Beside these we have helped in many other applications mainly that project, which was made in common with the self - government called IHM-ITP18 project. As a part of this project Onga has increased its computer equipments. Nowadays our biggest project the "Történelmi tanösvény és múltfeltárás Ongán" which is attained by the support of the Norvég Civil Támogatás Alap.



Pálinkaverseny és képzések

Kiállításhoz kapcsolódó eszközök beszerzése a Darvas Közösségi Ház és Múzeumba

Kiállításhoz kapcsolódó eszközök beszerzése  Darvas Közösségi Ház és Múzeumba

XII. Quintessence Pálinka- és Párlatverseny megrendezésének támogatása

XII. Quintessence Pálinka- és Párlatverseny megrendezésének támogatása

Quintessence projekt nap - a pálinkaverseny aranyérmes pálinkáinak és helyi termékek bemutatkozása


Társadalmi szerepvállalás erősítése a közösségek fejlesztésével Onga városában

Társadalmi szerepvállalás erősítése a közösségek fejlesztésével Onga városában

Ongai termelői piac

Következő hónap
Ke Sze Csü Szo Va































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2009.09.17. óta


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